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Jigsaw Link

About Jigsaw Link

Jigsaw Link provides a one to one befriending service for people over the age of 50 who are disabled, or have an age related condition, and live in the Borough of Bury. We also offer a weekly luncheon club and social outings throughout the year.

What we offer

One to One befriending service

This is available for those who are socially isolated and live alone. Each member is linked up with a volunteer who will usually visit each week for a couple of hours and also visit places of interest. Volunteers are there to provide company and companionship, with people of similar interests.


The befriending visit is £4.00.






Have A Go Sessions

The older people's Have A Go Sessions are held on a Tuesday from 12-2pm in a church hall where a hot lunch is provided followed by an activity, for example Chair-Based Exercises, quizzes, bingo, art & crafts and fun games.


The Have A Go Sessions are £15.00.


This includes transport to and from the venue from members home address (subject to volunteer drivers availability). 






Luncheon Club

Jigsaw Link run a Lunch Club every week on a Tuesday from 12-2pm visiting local pubs and restaurants. It provides a great opportunity to develop new friendships and visit new places whilst enjoying lunch with a lovely group of people.


The Lunch Club is £8.00.


This includes transport to and from the venue from members home address (subject to volunteer drivers availability). 


Social Outings

Jigsaw Link arrange up to 10 social outings throughout the year visiting new places and usually enjoying lunch.


The outings provide an important opportunity to enjoy new surroundings and great company.










Want to join Jigsaw Link?

Jigsaw Link is open to people aged 50 plus who are disabled, socially isolated or have an age related condition living in the Borough of Bury which includes Prestwich, Whitefield, Radcliffe, Bury, Tottington, Ramsbottom.

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